Breaking Into Wall Street Advanced Financial Modeling Download

Wall Street Prep = WSP
Breaking into Wallstreet = BiW

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Hello all, I've seen all the material in BiW through a friend, and while explained well, seems too basic to me. For WSP, I saw their demo videos and everything there looks very professional (formatting / instructors / presentation of material etc). I was wondering which one would you recommend from your experience?

But if you’re slightly interested in getting a crash course on key financial modeling topics, you should read on and sign up for your 6 Free Financial Modeling Tutorials over at the Breaking Into Wall Street website. What’s In It for You. You’ll get 6 free tutorials that cover the following topics: Fundamentals.

A little background on me. I am from the UK and have done a long term internship (9 months) at a VC and a summer internship at a boutique M&A house. Although these places have been very good in-terms of developing interpersonal skills etc, but as I have been involved with small companies, I haven't been able to experience hardcore modelling / understanding balance sheets etc in any of these roles. I am taking up an offer in Audit with a Big4 this year but will keep applying alongside and I am afraid that given my background, the questions will be very technical. So which package would you guys recommend?



Breaking Into Wall Street – Advanced Financial Modeling

Archive : Breaking Into Wall Street – Advanced Financial Modeling

Are you looking for a way to learn or upgrade your financial modeling skills, but don’t know where to turn?

Advanced Financial Modeling from Breaking Into Wall Street teaches you how investment bankers model and value real companies in real life.

It allows you to master advanced financial modeling skills, without rocket-science math and without hundreds of hours of boring academic study, by completing:

A detailed operating model with revenue and expense projections by business segment

A full valuation using 9 different methodologies

An advanced merger model that combines all 3 statements

An advanced LBO model with support for 7 tranches of debt

What Sets This Course Apart
From Everything Else On The Market?

First, the Advanced Financial Modeling course is NOT simply academic theory. It’s based on a real-life case study of Microsofts attempted $44 billion acquisition of Yahoo , so we take the same approach to learning that Harvard Business School does: case studies .

And it’s the most user-friendly and time-effective way to learn these advanced financial modeling skills – heres whats in it for you:

Dominate Your Interviews. You’ll learn concepts here that go beyond what you do on the job every day – master those, and normal interview questions will be a joke. Whether you’re preparing for interviews in investment banking, private equity, hedge funds, or anything else, you’re covered.

Prepare for IB and PE Case Studies . Everything is based on case studies of real deals – primarily Microsoft’s proposed $44B acquisition of Yahoo! – and we include several additional case studies on the $3B TPG / J Crew deal, the $5B ConAgra / Ralcorp bid, and Intel’s $8B acquisition of McAfee. You’ll know exactly what interviewers are looking for in case studies, and how to set up your models and answer questions successfully.

Learn by Watching with Video-Based Training. There’s no substitute for watching a pro go through everything in Excel, so that’s exactly what you get here. But sometimes you also want it in writing, so you’ll also get quick reference guide PDFs for topics like Stock vs. Asset vs. 338(h)(10) deals and key formulas in transactional models.

Test Your Knowledge with Practice Exercises. You’ll get “Before” and “After” Excel files for each lesson – follow along with the lesson, and then check your answers afterward.

Track Your Progress and Take Notes. You can check off each lesson as you move through the material, and take notes on everything – you can come back whenever you want, to refresh yourself on whatever you want.

Course Certifications. After completing the course material, you’ll be eligible to take our Certification Quiz. Once you pass the quiz, you’ll receive a Certificate that you can add to your resume / CV and refer to in interviews.

Learn Advanced Nuances of Accounting, Valuation, and Merger and LBO Models. We go in-depth into topics like Non controlling Interests and Equity Investments, different Depreciation methods and book vs. cash taxes, non-recurring charges and calendarization, and “industrial-strength” merger and LBO models. After you master these topics, you’ll be in the top 1% of your class and you’ll be well-positioned for bonuses, exit opportunities, and more.

Learn How to Use Equity Research and Filings. Always know where to find everything – you’ll learn how to adjust for non-recurring charges, how to look up numbers in equity research, and how to complete valuations even when information is scarce (with acquisitions of private companies, for example).

Get All Your Questions Answered. You’ll get world-class support – experienced bankers will answer your questions, comments, and emails 365 days per year.

What You Get And What the Advanced
Financial Modeling Course Will Do for You

Here’s what’s included in the Advanced Financial Modeling course:

100 training videos total (36 hours of footage).

Lessons cover advanced operating models, valuations based on SEC filings and equity research, complex merger models, advanced LBO models , and pitch books and deal commentary .

Operating Model lessons teach you how to create a detailed 3-statement model , including revenue and expenses by segment, Noncontrolling Interests and Equity Investments, PP&E schedules, deferred taxes , and quarterly projections .

Valuation lessons cover how to spread comps , adjust for non-recurring charges, calendarize financials, how to value NOLs and equity investments , and how to complete a DCF analysis with mid-year discounts and stub periods; you’ll also learn future share price analysis, sum-of-the-parts valuation , and liquidation valuation .

Advanced Merger Model coverage teaches you how to combine all 3 statements , create multiple scenarios , build an advanced purchase price allocation schedule that supports stock vs. asset vs. 338(h)(10) deals, calculate revenue and expense synergies by business segment, and factor in book vs. cash taxes and Section 382 NOLs .

Advanced LBO Model lessons show you how to modify an operating model to make it into an LBO model, and how to build in support for 7 debt tranches , multiple capital structure scenarios , and an advanced debt schedule with customizable repayment terms .

You’ll also get a sample pitch book and PowerPoint tips as well as commentary on the deal itself.

You receive instant access when you sign up because everything is delivered online – no shipping charges or physical products to worry about.

Free lifetime updates and support.

Bonus Case Studies: In addition to everything above, we include several additional case studies on other deals (full list at the bottom): TPG’s $3B leveraged buyout of J Crew, ConAgra’s $5B bid for Ralcorp, and Intel’s $8B acquisition of McAfee. These are excellent practice for the real case studies you’ll get in private equity, hedge fund, and investment banking interviews – and they’re yours, free, when you sign up.

The information youll find is so detailed and so thorough that our regular customers come from top-ranked universities, business schools, investment banks, and private equity firms.

Once you’ve completed the training, here’s what you’ll have on your resume/CV…

Breaking Into Wall Street Financial Modeling Training

Completed advanced operating model, valuation, DCF, and merger and LBO models based on 36-hour long case study of Microsoft’s proposed $44 billion acquisition of Yahoo

Used SEC filings and equity research as basis for models and learned how to adjust numbers and make appropriate assumptions

Completed bonus case study on TPG’s $3 billion leveraged buyout (LBO) of J Crew, and determined assumptions required for IRR to exceed 15%

Received Advanced Modeling course certification by passing end-of-course quiz with score of at least 90%

And you can add more bullet points to focus on whatever you want to highlight in interviews – whether that’s how you built revenue and expense projections, all the adjustments you had to make when completing the valuation, or the advanced features you built into the merger and LBO models, such as support for different transaction types and capital structures.

You can also print out the models from the Advanced Modeling course – we even have a lesson on how best to do it and what to discuss – and during interviews, you can describe exactly what you learned in the training.

Gain Official Recognition of Your Training With BIWS Certifications

After completing the course materials, you’ll be eligible to take our challenging Certification Quiz. Once you earn a score of at least 90%, you’ll be issued a personalized Certificate of Achievement with your name, the course name, and the date you passed the quiz:

Add your Certificate of Achievement to your resume/CV and/or present it in interviews to set yourself apart from other candidates.

We also make sure employers know that this is a serious qualification: Your certificate will contain a link where prospective employers can review what’s on our exams and what you must master to receive the certification.

Unlike other training companies that “issue certifications,” our process is completely transparent: you can literally point to the exact questions you had to answer to pass the quiz and become certified.

Once interviewers see you really do have the “chops” to be a banker, your chances of hiring success go way, WAY up.

Thousands of Customers Have Already Used Breaking Into Wall Street to Land High-Paying and Prestigious Job Offers

At last count, over 22,981+ students, entry-level professionals and career changers have used Breaking Into Wall Street to master modeling, win interviews, and break into high-paying jobs in investment banking, private equity, hedge funds, equity research, and more.

Take a look at what some of them have to say ( these are actual unedited email screenshots a few details have been blacked out to protect customers privacy ) below:

Great Value For [The] Money And Ive Recommended BIWS To A Lot Of

It Has Become a Must for Landing Offers

I Believe One of the Main Reasons Behind My
Successful Recruitment Efforts Was BIWS.

I Received a Bulge Bracket Investment Banking
Offer for Last Summer.

I Landed an Offer at a Firm with 6 Billion AUM and a
Fast-Growing Presence in Mid-Market Private Equity

I Managed to Get Offers for a Summer Associate Position from
4 of 5 Banks 3 Bulge Brackets and 1 Boutique

I Got a Job with a Bulge Bracket in their
Structured Finance Group as an Analyst.

I Am Working in the Investments Team of a
Billion-Dollar Private Equity Fund.

And here’s just a small selection of schools and firms where individual students and professionals currently use our courses ( Note : In some cases, groups or classes at the organizations below have signed up for official group licenses; in other cases, individuals at these organizations have signed up on their own.):

A partial list of schools where BIWS courses are in use…

Amherst College

Barnard College

Baruch College

Bentley University

Birmingham – Southern College

Boston College

Brown University

California Polytechnic State University

Canisius College

Carleton College

Carnegie Mellon University

Claremont McKenna College

Colgate University

College of St. Scholastica

Columbia Business School

Concordia College

Cooper Union

Cornell University

Cranfield University

Dalhousie University

Dartmouth College

Drexel University

Duke University

Emory University – Goizueta

Business School


Fordham University

George Mason University

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Georgetown University – McDonough

School of Business

Ghent University – Vlerick Leuven

Gent Management School

Hampden-Sydney College

Harvard Business School

Harvard University

Imperial College London

Indiana University – Kelley School

of Business

Johns Hopkins University

Lehigh University

London Business School

London School of Economics

Marquette University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

McMaster University

Michigan State University

MIT – Sloan School of Management

Monash University

Mount Holyoke College

North-West University (South Africa)

Breaking Into Wall Street Advanced Financial Modeling Download

Northwestern University – Kellogg

School of Management

NYU Stern School of Business

Ohio State University

Pennsylvania State University

Princeton University

Queen’s University

Regis University

Rice University

Ryerson University

Sewanee, The University

of the South

Southern Methodist University

Stanford University

Stockholm School of Economics

Syracuse University

Texas State University – San Marcos

The College of New Jersey

Tulane University

UCLA – Anderson School

of Management

University of Alberta

University of Arizona

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley –

Haas School of Business

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Santa Barbara

University of Cambridge

University of Chicago – Booth

Business School

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Connecticut

University of Delaware

University of Denver

University of Edinburgh

University of Exeter

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Illinois at


University of Iowa

University of Lethbridge

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

University of Nebraska – Lincoln

University of New Hampshire

University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania –

The Wharton School

University of Pittsburgh

University of Richmond

University of South Carolina

University of South Florida

University of Southern California

University of Technology, Sydney

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of Texas – McCombs

School of Business

University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Dallas

University of Toronto – Rotman

School of Management

University of Tulsa

University of Virginia

University of Western Ontario

University of Western Ontario –

Richard Ivey School of Business

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Vanderbilt University

Villanova University

Virginia Tech

Washington University in St. Louis

WHU – Otto Beisheim School

of Management

Williams College

Wofford College

Yale University

York University

York University – Schulich

School of Business

A partial list of firms where BIWS courses are in use…


Alpine Investors

Anders Nyman

Arkas Corporate Finance Advisory

Arqaam Capital

Avondale Partners

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Barclays Capital


Blue Sky Group

BNY Mellon

Boone Opportunity Lenders

Capital Partners

Cardinal Capital Management

Carlisle Development Group

Carpenter Hawke & Co.

Century Management

CIT Group


Credit Suisse

Energy Invest Group

Energy Transfer

FTI Consulting

GenNx360 Capital Partners

Global eProcure

Gold Key Realty

Grisons Peak Merchant Banking

Harris Williams & Co.



ICE Canyon

IHG Capital

Jadwa Investment

Koru Technologies


La Financière Patrimoniale



Lloyds TSB

M&T Bank

Mirae Asset Global

Investments Group

Sign Up Now

Morgan Stanley

New Island Capital

Pilgrim Bank

Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Princess Three

QBE Insurance Group

Quantek Asset Management

Raymond James

Reaud Capital

Regent Natural Resources Co.

Royal Dutch Shell Download alien rfid software.

Schroder Investment Management

Sindicatum Sustainable Resources

Société Générale

Somerset Capital Management

TD Bank

Tesoro Corporation

Value Advisors

Vector 9 Strategies

World Fuel Services

Its All Here: Lessons, Exercises, Q&A,
Tracking, and More

Here’s a sample video from the Advanced
Modeling course so you can see for
yourself exactly what you’ll get:

Heres The Full Run-Down Of Everything You Get In This Course

Here’s what you receive in the 36 hours of modeling content (100 videos):

Advanced Operating Model Lessons teach you how to create a detailed 3-statement model, including revenue and expense builds, noncontrolling interests and equity investments, PP&E schedules, deferred taxes, and quarterly projections.

Advanced Valuation Lessons cover how to spread comps, adjust for non-recurring charges, calendarize financials, how to value NOLs and equity investments, and how to complete a DCF analysis including mid-year discounts and stub periods; you’ll also learn future share price analysis, sum-of-the-parts valuation, and liquidation valuation.

Advanced Merger Model teaches you multiple transaction scenarios, advanced purchase price allocation, how to calculate revenue and expense synergies by segment, and book vs. cash taxes and Section 382 NOLs.

Advanced LBO Model covers how to change an operating model into an LBO model and how to incorporate seven debt tranches and multiple capital structure scenarios, plus an advanced debt schedule with mandatory and optional repayments.

Full transcripts of all the video content, so you can locate and review key content quickly and easily.

Sample Pitch Book and PowerPoint lesson, including commentary on the deal.

Instant Access when you sign up because everything is delivered online – no shipping charges or trips to the post office.

Free Lifetime Updates and Support.

And much, much more.

Get Breaking Into Wall Street – Advanced Financial Modeling on right now!