Half Life Black Mesa Source Tpb

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For other uses, see Black Mesa (disambiguation).

This article is non-canon.

The subject matter of this article does not take place in the 'real' Half-Life and Portal universe and is considered non-canon.

Black Mesa
Release date(s)
  • September 14, 2012 (free mod release)[1]
  • May 5, 2015 (Early Access Steam game release)[2]

First-person shooter, action-adventure, science fiction


Single-player, multiplayer


Windows, Linux


Keyboard and mouse


Joel Nielsen

'Run. Think. Shoot. Live. Source.'
Black Mesa tagline, a nod to Half-Life’s original tagline

Black Mesa (previously known as Black Mesa: Source) is a third-party total remake of the original Half-Life. Its first part, including the Half-Life storyline up to the chapter Lambda Core, was released as a mod on September 14, 2012,[1] while the Steam version of the game was released on May 5, 2015.[2]

  • 2Development
  • 3Reception
    • 3.1Awards and recognition
  • 7Gallery
    • 7.1Pre-release
      • 7.1.2Models
    • 7.2Retail
      • 7.2.2Steam


The ultimate goal of the game is to recreate the original Half-Life from the ground up, using the advanced capabilities of the Source engine to create a new and more engrossing in-game world with more varied, complex environments and more challenging, realistic gameplay. Black Mesa features original textures, models, sounds, voice acting, and music (composed and produced by the game's sound designer, Joel Nielsen; fully available here) designed specifically for the game. However, the developers intended to preserve all of the gameplay elements from the original game, without adding entirely new enemies, weapons, or levels.


The Anti-Mass Spectrometer.

Black Mesa was born of the discontent fans experienced when playing Half-Life: Source; when considering the living environment Valve created with Half-Life 2 using the Source engine, the original game fell far short of what many players thought could be done with the software, basically being a straight port, except for improved water and lighting effects along with the inclusion of ragdoll physics. Black Mesa was born out of two separate mod teams: 'LeakFree', formed in September 2004, and 'Half-Life: Source Overhaul Project', formed in October 2004 and led by Jimmy Headdon. Neither team knew of the other’s existence until Leakfree’s lead Jon Dominski began publicising in the Half-Life2.net, now ValveTime.net forums. After discussions between the two project leads, the two development teams merged, resulting in a team of 13 members by the end of December 2005. According to the developers, 'Black Mesa: Source was built and founded on the principle that Half-Life: Source did not do the original title enough credit... [Black Mesa] set out to reconstruct the original title, giving it new environments, models, and abilities.'. Development was officially announced on January 1, 2005.

The release date for the project was originally set for 2009, but was delayed,[3] gaining the mod the status of vaporware,[4] until its final release date was announced on September 2, 2012, when the soundtrack was made available for download.[5]Black Mesa was eventually released in September 2012, causing the official website to crash.[6] The mod is available at no charge, and requires the free Source SDK Base 2007 to work as it uses Half-Life 2 models with custom textures, such as the crowbar, the Colt Python, the Headcrab, the Barnacle or the crow.[7] At some point, a remake of Half-Life: Uplink was planned, but it was eventually made by another person.

Most likely due to the amount of publicity given to an unofficial third-party mod, Valve Corporation privately asked the producers of the mod to remove the 'Source' part from the title to avoid confusion on whether it is an official Valve product or not.

On November 19, 2013, the fifteenth anniversary of Half-Life's release, the developers announced that the complete version of the mod would be made available for purchase on Steam. There will also be a free version with minor differences from the paid version. The mod is also going to be on a 'new engine' related to Source, but no more information had been released on this subject due to the contract with Valve.

On August 18, 2014, a Black Mesa Content Pack DLC for the Source FilmMaker was released

Co-op mode[edit]

Although the cooperation mode was said to be included in the mod, on March the 17th 2010, it was announced that due to the great amount of problems to port and make co-op code working, the developers decided to stop its development and focus only on single-player and deathmatch.[8] It has been stated that since dropping the co-op mode, Black Mesa's chapters have been redesigned with only single-player activity in mind, and that the new 'level design and gameplay don't lend themselves well to a co-op experience.'[9]

Steam version[edit]

On September 5, 2012, Black Mesa appeared on Steam Greenlight, and was officially accepted by Valve to be distributed via Steam six days later.[10] On May 5, 2015, again at 8:47 a.m. MDT, Black Mesa was released on Steam as an Early Access Game at the cost of 19,99$/15£/19,99€.

The Steam version features a hybrid, alternated Source engine,[11] new visuals, new voice acting, updated gameplay, stability changes, custom modding tools, integrated Steam Workshop, Steam Trading Cards, backgrounds, emoticons, 25 Steam Achievements, and the multiplayer mode, along with six deathmatch/team deathmatch maps: Bounce, Gasworks, Lambda Bunker, Stalkyard, Subtransit, and Undertow.[2] The Xen portion of the game still hasn't been done as the developers 'want to not only recreate it, but improve upon it to make it an enjoyable and memorable experience.'[2]


During its development, Black Mesa has received attention from several video game publications. It has been featured in articles from Computer Gaming World, PC PowerPlay, and PC Gamer UK magazines. Valve published a news update about the modification on Steam platform in 2007 saying that 'We're as eager to play [Black Mesa] here as everyone else.'[12]

After receiving a development version of Black Mesa in December 2009, PC PowerPlay magazine said that the game's setting 'looks, sounds, [and] plays better than ever before'. The 'subtle' changes from the original Half-Life were said to have a 'substantial' overall impact. They also noted the project's 'frustrating' then-five-year development time, and current lack of release date, but added that the developers were making progress.[13]

After the mod was released, early impressions of the game were very positive,[14] receiving a score of 86/100 on Metacritic, based on nine reviews.[15] The game was praised for its high polish, with many critics comparing its quality to that of an official Valve title.[16][17]Destructoid praised the game for the improvements it made over the original Half-Life, saying it was 'something that felt very familiar, [but also] very fresh.'[18]

Awards and recognition[edit]


  • Mod DB Best Website Design of 2004 (3rd place)[19]
  • Mod DB - Top Unreleased Mod for 2005[20]
  • Mod DB - Top Unreleased Mod for 2006[21]
  • Wired.com Vaporware 2009: Inhale the Fail (4th place)[22]
  • Wired.com Vaporware 2010: The Great White Duke (4th place)[23]
  • Mod DB - Mod of the Year 2012[24]

Honorable mention[edit]

  • Mod DB - Honorable mention for Top Unreleased Mod for 2007[25]
  • Mod DB - Honorable mention for Top Unreleased Mod for 2008[26]
  • Mod DB - Honorable mention for Players Choice - Best Upcoming Mod 2009[27]
  • Mod DB - Honorable mention for Players Choice - Best Upcoming Mod 2010[28]
  • Mod DB - Honorable mention for Mod of The Year 2013[29]

Achievements and trophies[edit]

Main article: Black Mesa (video game)/Achievements

Both versions of Black Mesa feature 25 Achievements.


The Black Mesa soundtrack was composed by Joel Nielsen. It features 30 tracks with a total length of 50 minutes


The team contacted Mike Shapiro, the original voice actor behind Barney Calhoun and the G-Man. While he showed interest and support in the mod, he politely declined indicating he was not available to devote time to contributing to the mod.



While the official website is the main source for most official images, all personal websites of the respective team members also provide further, exclusive images. Not all pre-release screenshots are present here, the rest can be found on the Black Mesa wiki.


  • The introductory tram ride.

  • Ditto.

  • Sector C's lobby.

  • The Resonance Cascade.

  • Frozen area in the chapter Unforeseen Consequences.

  • Flooded room in the chapter Office Complex.

  • Blood in the chapter Office Complex.

  • Zombie in the chapter Office Complex.

  • Vortigaunts in the chapter Power Up.

  • Houndeyes in the chapter On A Rail.

  • Headcrab in the chapter Residue Processing.

  • Conveyor belt in the chapter Residue Processing.

  • The dam in the chapter Surface Tension.

  • Remake of an early Half-Life screenshot.

  • Running HECU soldiers during the chapter 'Forget About Freeman!'.

  • Coolant system in the chapter Lambda Core.


  • The Crowbar.

  • The Glock 17.

  • The Colt Python.

  • The shotgun.

  • The RPG.

  • The Tau Cannon.

  • In-game screenshot of the Laser Trip Mine.

  • In-game screenshot of the Satchel Charge.

  • Zombiescientist.

  • Zombie security guard.

  • Scientist render.

  • Gargantua.

  • HECU soldier render.

  • Female Assassin.

  • Scientist render.

  • Security guard render.

  • Zombie scientist render, sans Headcrab.

  • Alien Controller render.

  • Alien Grunt render.

  • Naked Alien Grunt render.

  • HECU Harrier (originally a generic jet).

  • The Black Mesa SUV.

  • Early rendering of the Health and HEV Chargers.

  • The Materials Handler.

Concept art[edit]

  • Concept art for the Apache.

  • Concept art for a tank.

  • Concept art for the Zombie security guard.

  • Concept art for the Alien Grunt.


  • Black Mesa logo.

  • Alternate logo used in trailers.



  • The main menu during the chapter Anomalous Materials, free version.

  • The main menu during the chapter Power Up, Steam version.

  • Team selection screen in the team deathmatch multiplayer mode, here on the map Undertow.

  • Gasworks.

  • Subtransit.

  • Lambda Bunker.

  • Stalkyard.

  • Bounce.


Profile backgrounds[edit]
  • The Aftermath

  • Gasworks

  • Into The Breach

  • Level 1 - Visitor Pass

  • Level 2 - Guard Level

  • Level 3 - Kleiner Level

  • Level 4 - Vance Level

  • Level 5 - Freeman Level

  • Foil - G-Man Level

  • :bms_crowbar:

  • :bms_headcrab:

  • :vort:

  • :bms:

  • :houndeye:

  • :egon:

  • :stream:

Black Mesa Mod Download


  1. 1.01.1Black Mesa Source: A Release Date on Rock, Paper, Shotgun
  2. Mesa on Steam
  3. Black Mesa 2009 Update
  4. Operation Black Mesa And Guard Duty, The Two Gearbox Expansion Remakes Join Forces And Merge Into One Team/ Black Mesa (video game) at LambdaGeneration
  5. cman2k's post on the Black Mesa forums
  6. Absolutely Anyone Can Play Black Mesa: Source, Right Now! at LambdaGeneration
  7. Things you should know about the mod - FAQ on the Black Mesa forums
  8. JamesKane's post on the Black Mesa forums
  9. Raminator's post on the Black Mesa forums
  10. Black Mesa on Steam Greenlight
  11. Black Mesa's official website
  12. Steam News from Friday, January 26, 2007
  13. PC PowerPlay magazine, issue 174
  14. Impressions: Black Mesa is awesome on Destructoid
  15. Black Mesa on Metacritic
  16. Black Mesa review on GamesTM
  18. Review: Black Mesa on Destructoid
  19. Mod DB Best Website Design of 2004
  20. Mod DB - Top Unreleased Mod for 2005
  21. Mod DB Top - Unreleased Mod for 2006
  22. Wired.com Vaporware 2009: Inhale the Fail (4th place)
  23. Wired.com Vaporware 2010: The Great White Duke (4th place)
  24. Mod DB - Mod of the Year 2012
  25. Mod DB - Honorable mention for Top Unreleased Mod for 2007
  26. Mod DB - Honorable mention for Top Unreleased Mod for 2008
  27. Mod DB Players Choice - Best Upcoming Mod 2009
  28. Mod DB Players Choice - Best Upcoming Mod 2010
  29. Mod DB - Mod of The Year 2013

External links[edit]

  • Black Mesa on Steam
  • Download locations of the free version (Direct and Torrent)
  • Black Mesa on YouTube
  • Black Mesa on Facebook
  • Black Mesa on Twitter
  • Black Mesa on Mod DB
  • Developer Banter: Black Mesa Source on Mod DB
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system requirements (minimal)
Ram: 1GB or more

Half Life Black Mesa Mod

Hard disk space: 9,32 GB (10.014.872.038 byte) or more
Os: Windows XP, 7, 8, 8,l, 10
HDD Space: 6.9 GB
ADM CPU: Athlon 64 3000+
INTEL CPU: Pentium 4 3.0GHzHalf Life Black Mesa Source Tpb
ADM CPU: Radeon 9500
Black mesa is the remake of HALF LIFE and it has the same toryline. It has better graphics and effects then the original HALF LIFE.

Black Mesa Source PC Game 2012 Overview

Black Mesa is a first person shooter game. It is developed under the banner of Crowbar Collective for Microsoft Windows. It was released on 14th September 2012 and Steam has published this game. Black Mesa Source game is a re-creation of the famous game Half Life. You can also download Turning Point Fall of Liberty.
Black Mesa Source game is based on a similar pattern as Half Life had. In this version of Black Mesa Source game. You have to play the role of a scientist Gordon Freeman. He works in the Black Mesa Research facility. He has been given a task to place a sample of peculiar material into an electromagnetic device. The task has to be completed safely by using Mark IV suit. However things go wrong and the material causes an alien dimension to show up on the Earth and the aliens induct. Gordon has to stop this induction through his scientific knowledge. Half life 2 is another first person shooting game that you can download.
Black Mesa Source PC game is a first person shooter game and you will have to combat the enemies as well as solve some puzzles. The player can equip with the weapons of his choice and he will have to find ammo for some of the weapons. You can also find the health packs or medipacks on your way towards the mission. Black Mesa Source game has many such modifications. Which will surely feel awesome to the player. Altogether this game is an interesting one. You may also like to download Bulletstorm.

Features of Black Mesa Source PC Game

Following are the main features of Black Mesa Source that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
  • Based on the similar pattern as that of Half Life.
  • Lots of puzzles included.
  • Impressive graphics.
  • A variety of arsenal available.

System Requirements of Black Mesa Source PC Game 2012

Before you start Black Mesa Source Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
  • Operating System: Tested on windows 7 64 Bit
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or later.
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 7 GB


Alpha and Early Access reviews offer our preliminary verdicts on in-development games. We may follow up this unscored review with a final, scored review in the future. Read our full review policy for details.
What is it? A recreation of the original Half-Life in the Source engine.
Price: $20/£15
Developer/Publisher: Crowbar Collective
Copy protection: Steam
Link:Steam store page
As an accomplishment, it's hard to think of a parallel to Black Mesa: dozens of modders painstakingly and voluntarily spending years of time and effort to recreate Valve's groundbreaking first-person sci-fi shooter Half-Life in the Source engine. After a free release in 2012, Black Mesa has now made its way to Steam, ripe for the buying. Though the game ends with Gordon's leap into Xen (we won't see the bouncy dimension itself until Black Mesa is complete), it's still a long, exciting, action-packed game and a major achievement for the modders responsible.
Obviously, the visuals are a great leap forward from 1997's Half-Life, which over the years has slowly turned from charmingly ugly to mostly just ugly, except for the most nostalgic of gamers. At the same time, the Source Engine itself is getting pretty darn creaky these days, so Black Mesa doesn't look particularly great alongside current releases, especially the models and animations. Other limits of the Source Engine come quickly into focus as well, mostly in the frequent loading points between maps. The famous tram ride that begins the game in is broken into three parts due to pauses for loading, and in some of the faster paced portions of the game, loading screens crop up so quickly it becomes a little irritating. Source's physics, meanwhile, aren't really exploited for much besides a few new puzzles involving carrying a plug to a socket or reattaching a valve wheel.
The main issues with Black Mesa are the issues that come along with Half-Life itself: the over-reliance on platforming puzzles, vent crawling, ladder climbing, and laser beam hopping. Too much time hunting through a massive complex looking for that one door that will actually open or that one switch that can actually be flipped. Too many similar fights against the same small handful of enemy types. Too many long, slow trips down to some water-filled, body-strewn section of the complex to push a button that starts a generator or pump or giant fan, followed by the long slog back through enemies who suddenly teleport into your path. Too many goddamn barnacle monsters that will never, ever actually kill you but simply force you to sigh and fire a shotgun blast at the ceiling when they snare you.
Never fear, though. In addition to the chaff, Black Mesa rejuvenates the best parts of Half-Life. The wonderful real-time scripted sequences, in which hapless scientists and guards are dragged off into vents, yanked through ceiling tiles, exploded, shredded, burned, and chomped, which still prove entertaining and serve as warnings as to what dangers lie ahead. Those moments when you fight your way to the surface, only to find it crawling with soldiers who are not there to rescue you but permanently silence you, and you're forced back into a new section of the sprawling subterranean complex. The wonderful chaos when soldiers and aliens encounter each other, and for once you're not the only target in the room. The way your name begins to carry heft and meaning as you progress, as awestruck lab techs and increasingly frustrated grunts learn of your exploits ahead of your arrival.
Steam black mesa
There are bugs in Black Mesa—it's Early Access, after all—mainly related to enemy A.I.: a few times monsters ran right past me or didn't respond at all, the friendly guards and scientists usually had difficulty following me, and there was one memorable moment when an Alien Grunt appeared to have an extended fist-fight with a door he was stuck in. There are some new lines of dialogue with a couple clever references for fans of Half-Life lore, and the music, though I didn't especially care for it, is competently composed.
The Steam version of the mod comes with multiplayer, too: deathmatch and team deathmatch on a number of arena-style maps, for some silly and rather mindless multiplayer chaos that feels quite reminiscent of the original Half-Life Deathmatch.


With vastly improved yet still dated graphics, Black Mesa carries with it both the highs and lows of the original Half-Life. It's a remarkable accomplishment and provides hours of exciting, challenging, and occasionally tiresome gaming.